• Product name: Egyptian Pickled Burger Dill Gherkins
  • Form: Sliced
  • HS Code: 2001.90.85
  • Package:
  • 370g glass jar
  • 650g glass jar
  • 1kg glass jar
  • As per client requirements.
  • Availability: Year around
  • Shipping: Sea Shipment & Air Shipment


Introducing our exportable Egyptian pickled sliced gherkins, the perfect tangy and crunchy addition to jazz up your dishes! These gherkins are handpicked from the best farms in Egypt and sliced to perfection. They're then pickled in a flavorful brine that gives them that irresistible tanginess. These exportable pickled sliced gherkins are super versatile, meaning you can add them to sandwiches, salads, or even enjoy them straight out of the jar as a tasty snack. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with the authentic taste of Egypt and add a burst of flavor to your favorite recipes. Try our exportable Egyptian pickled sliced gherkins today and let your dishes shine with their unbeatable tangy goodness!

Flavor Profile

  1. Tart: Pickled whole gherkins have a tangy and slightly acidic flavor profile that is characteristic of pickled cucumbers.
  2. Crunchy: Whole gherkins retain their firm and crunchy texture even after the pickling process, providing a satisfying bite.
  3. Refreshing: The brine used to pickle gherkins imparts a refreshing taste that pairs well with the natural crispness of the cucumber.

Health Benefits

  1. Hydration: Gherkins have a high-water content, contributing to hydration and overall fluid balance in the body.
  2. Low in calories: Pickled gherkins are typically low in calories, making them a healthier snack option compared to calorie-dense foods.
  3. Source of fiber: Gherkins offer dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and helps maintain bowel regularity.

Nutritional values

Name of the nutrients

Amount in per 100g















Vitamin C


*These values may differ based on the specific brand and preparation method used for the pickled gherkins.

*Nutritional values may vary depending on the specific brand and preparation method. It's always advisable to check the label for accurate information.

Common Recipes

  1. Salads: Add sliced gherkins to green salads, potato salads, or coleslaw for a tangy and crunchy element.
  2. Sandwiches and Wraps: Layer sliced gherkins in sandwiches, wraps, or paninis to provide a refreshing and zesty flavor.
  3. Relish: Finely chop sliced gherkins and combine them with onions, vinegar, and sugar to create a flavorful relish for hot dogs or burgers.
  4. Tuna or Chicken Salad: Mix sliced gherkins into tuna or chicken salad for a tangy twist and added crunch.
  5. Party Skewers: Thread sliced gherkins onto skewers with other pickled vegetables, cheese, and meats for a colorful and appetizing party snack.