Egyptian Medjool Dates

  • Product name: Egyptian Medjool dates
  • HS Code: 080410
  • Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Jumbo, Super Jumbo
  • Package: As per client requirements
  • Availability: August to February
  • Shipping: Air Shipment and Sea shipment

Packing Options

Packing specifications 40ft container-20 pallets 

Packages Net weight

Packages/ Per master carton

Master carton/ Per pallet

Total packages

Total cartons

Total Tons

250 GM






500 GM






800 GM






5 KG






10 KG






Why it is considered King of Dates?

Due to their size, sweetness, and chewy taste, and soft texture, Medjool dates are known as the "king of dates". Besides, they stand out from other species of dates with their rich, decadent flavor and moist, fudgy texture. Also, it’s a nutritious snack option because they are a high source of fiber, potassium, and other minerals. Many people consider Medjool dates as gift item while visiting friends and family. Moreover, it’s a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of cuisines, both sweet and savory.

How to recognise a high-quality medjool date?

  1. Taste: Medjool date should taste rich sweet and creamy without any hints of saltiness. Besides that, it should give little hints of toffee and caramel while eating the date.
  2. Texture: A good toffee-like texture is expected from Medjool dates. Dates should have the right consistency—not too firm or soft, devoid of sugar crystals. Without exerting excessive pressure, you should be able to squeeze the dates in your finger. Around 22% to 26% moisture content is ideal, and the flesh should appear glossy and juicy.
  1. Size: Size is not a crucial component of quality. However, larger fruit often has denser pulp and larger date looks prettier and is more inviting.
  2. Skin separation: Skin Separation is the least significant aspect of quality. Low skin separation costs more because it makes an attractive appearance. However, the freshness of the Medjool Date is not determined by its loose skin. Specifically, Medjool dates with significant skin separation may appear dry to the untrained eye, yet typically the reverse is true. High skin separation often indicates a fruit that is juicy and moist.

How to recognise a bad or low-quality medjool date?

  1. Sugar Bloom: Crystallization of the sugars in the Medjool body is known as sugar bloom. However, it is considered as minor defect which indicates the date was kept in a warm place for long time. Amazingly, it is perfectly safe to eat. Even, many people prefer the crunchiness of sugar bloom.
  2. Insect damage: Sometimes insects infect the Medjool date during the cultivation period. Most of the time, the infected date is removed while separating. This is more typical with organic Medjool dates because no pesticides are used in their cultivation.

The most common insects that can infest dates at different stages of growth and storage

  • Date palm scale (Parlatoria blanchardi)
  • Red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)
  • Date moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae)
  • Date mite (Oligonychus afrasiaticus)
  • Carob moth (Apomyelois ceratoniae)
  • Spider mite (Tetranychus spp.)
  • False codling moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta)
  • Date bug (Ommatissus lybicus)

 3. Black Mold: Aspergillus is a type of mold that attacks Medjool dates and causes aspergillosis. When attacked the Medjool date, black powder like is formed inside the dates. According to the study of Volkani Institute (Israel), The Aspergillus mold present in Medjool dates doesn't produce toxins that are harmful to people. When categorizing the dates, the majority of black mold cases are removed.

 4. Fermentation: Medjool dates with a high-water content (28 percent or greater) may ferment just like fresh fruit. Fermented dates typically have fermented smell and are very mushy.


Health benefits of eating Medjool dates:

  1. Nutrient-dense: Medjool dates are packed with essential nutrients like dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and iron, which support overall health and well-being.
  2. Digestive support: The high fiber content in Medjool dates promotes healthy digestion, prevents constipation, and aids in weight management.
  3. Natural energy boost: Medjool dates are a rich source of carbohydrates, including natural sugars like glucose and fructose, providing a quick and sustained energy release, making them an ideal pre-workout snack.
  4. Antioxidant properties: Medjool dates contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic compounds that combat harmful free radicals, potentially reducing inflammation and protecting against chronic diseases.
  5. Heart-friendly: With low fat and cholesterol content and high potassium levels, Medjool dates contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and promoting cardiovascular health.
  6. Bone health support: Medjool dates provide essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, crucial for strong and healthy bones, potentially preventing conditions like osteoporosis.
  7. Anemia prevention: The iron content in Medjool dates supports red blood cell production, helping prevent iron-deficiency anemia and maintaining optimal blood health.
  8. Weight management aid: Despite their natural sugar content, Medjool dates can be beneficial for weight management due to their fiber content, promoting satiety and preventing overeating.
  9. Skin nourishment: The antioxidants in Medjool dates protect the skin from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals, promoting healthy and radiant skin.

Moderate consumption of Medjool dates as part of a balanced diet will lead to the above mentioned health benefits. 


Approximate nutritional values:

Name of the Nutrients

Per 100g (3.5oz) of Medjool


277 kcal


75 g


1.8 g


0.2 g


6.7 g

Vitamin A

149 IU

Vitamin B6

0.1 mg

Vitamin K

2.7 mcg


696 mg


64 mg


0.9 mg


54 mg


62 mg

The above-mentioned nutritional values may slightly differ depending on the cultivation process of the dates